
5 Tips On How To Tailor An Effective Resume

No two individuals are alike but when it comes to resumes, poorly written ones often come in batches and may just look the same to the disappointment of hiring managers and recruiters. If you're currently on the lookout for a job, drafting a killer resume may just be the key to being called for an interview. Find out below how exactly you should write and present a highly effective resume.

1. Give special focus on the format.

No matter how excellent the content of your resume, it won't really get noticed unless you format it in a way which will set it apart from the others. Recruiters will scan your resume for 25 seconds only, so the information should be organized and readable. You could pattern the format after the following:

-- use bold and italicized typeface to help guide the hiring manager's eyes;
-- utilize bullets to stress important facts such as quantified accomplishments;
-- use appropriate headings as well as sufficient margins.

2. Highlight accomplishments rather than job descriptions.

One common pitfall when drafting a resume is adding in job descriptions rather than using one's job accomplishments. This is particularly useful in jobs which require technical expertise like engineering, programming and electronics. Why not show to an organization how you can help them solve their problems by highlighting the following:

-- focus on what you actually did on your previous job rather than what you were supposed to do;
-- concentrate on individual achievements rather than group accomplishments;
-- make it a point to include instances when you received a letter of recommendation or any mention of recognition in your previous company's newsletter

3. Replace the career objective with a career summary section. While most career objectives exactly sound the same, you can easily get the attention of hiring managers by providing a summary of who you are and what you do.

4. Harness the power of keywords.

Each industry has its own set of jargon and you're likely come across these words amongst job advertisements. Drafting a killer resume involves incorporating these keywords. Apart from using industry-specific words and phrases, you might also want to include these general yet very powerful words: teamwork, leadership, problem-solving and business development. However, do not just litter your resume with these buzzwords; make it a point that these keywords perfectly mirrors your abilities, skills and personality.

5. Watch out for errors.

Be meticulous with your grammar, punctuation and spelling. Organizations and businesses will most likely weed out candidates who can't construct a proper sentence or differentiate a present tense from the past tense. Before sending in your resume, double check for errors by running it through a spelling and grammar checker.

Keep in mind that your resume is not just plainly a bio of sorts. It is a very powerful tool that you can use to sell yourself and get that job you've always wanted.

Your resume is an important document you submit to employers for career opportunities. In order for you to write it in a substantial and relevant manner, download CareerFact's comprehensive guide and read effective guidelines.

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